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Book Review: 'The Sun Is Also a Star' by Nicola Yoon

Rating: 3.5/5 stars!

"Sure, but why not more poems about the sun? The sun is also a star, and it's our most important one. That alone should be worth a poem or two."

The Nicola Yoon young adult fiction 'The Sun Is Also a Star' is an enjoyable read.
Two different personalities meet in NYC; they click, talk, visit a few places, realise that they've got something, and then ta-da! Life happens.

While this is quite Before Sunrise plot, the lead characters have obstacles. Daniel is Korean American, and Natasha is Jamaican. His family has all his life planned out, and it does not include falling in love with a black girl. Her family is dealing with deportation to their country.

With Daniel, Natasha is out of character.
With Natasha, Daniel is at his utmost self.

The novel deals with themes like immigration, the American Dream, and racism.

The narration style is quite different as there are entries of things, feelings and minor characters we get to peek in their lives. The dialogues are well-written. Many scenes are very entertaining.

At the beginning, I barely liked Natasha. She seemed a bit fake as she mostly did the opposite of what she said, but it was actually being around Daniel that changed her. Still, I wish her character was sketched better. My other issue is that I don't believe in love at first sight and all of this. These two reasons affected my rating of the novel.

Recommendation: to YA fans and love at first sight believers.


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